Angeline Lai, Territory, One Extra photo Heidrun Löhr |
In an unusual combination of talents for dance, or rather dance-theatre, the usual role of choreographer as director becomes two roles, Janet Robertson directing and Sue Healey choreographing. They’re collaborating with designers Eamon D’Arcy (space), Damien Cooper (light) and Julia Christie (costume) in One Extra’s Territory, a dance-theatre work devised by Robertson. Jad Macadam designs the sound environment, Sarah Hopkins has created a series of evocative compositions for cello and voice. Performed by One Extra affiliate artist Lisa Ffrench and newcomer Angeline Lai with a guest appearance by Marilyn Miller (Bangarra Dance Theatre), Territory traces time lines and patterns of migration. At its centre are the journeys of an English bride of the 1890s and an Asian bride of the 1970s both travelling through an unfamiliar landscape. As their ground is mapped and divided they cross paths with an Aboriginal woman whose land lies locked behind cattle gates. Explore Territory at the York Theatre, the Seymour Theatre Centre, Sydney October 8 - 9, 14 - 25. Tel 02 9364 9400
RealTime issue #27 Oct-Nov 1998 pg. 14
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