Nalina Wait
Nalina Wait was a founding member of Rosalind Crisp’s company stella b. with Lizzie Thomson. She has since made her mark outside that company, performing with Danceworks in Melbourne and Sue Healey in Sydney. Last year she performed a self-devised solo work in Mobile States, a program of young and emerging choreographers at Performance Space in Sydney. kew was Wait’s first major solo, a finely articulated improvisation traversing back and forth along a shaft of light. Currently Wait is working with an improvisation group, Devastation Menu, which includes Thomson (recently back from Europe) and musician Clayton Thomas. Wait has also made a film, Sole, with director Andrew Wholley of Mackaroon productions. Using a development grant from the Australia Council, she collaborated with lighting designer Richard Manner to create a film of 3 parts, each defined by a particular lighting state which Wait ‘inhabits’, linking the film to kew. She also performed in Sue Healey’s most recent film, Fine Line which is premiering at the 2003 Melbourne Festival, and Healey worked with her in the recent Space for Ideas choreographic program at the Drill Hall (a new venue for dance rehearsal and workshops in Rushcutters Bay, Sydney). Nalina Wait’s next project will be a tour to Canberra and New Zealand with Healey’s Fine Line Terrain.
RealTime issue #57 Oct-Nov 2003 pg. 43
© Erin Brannigan; for permission to reproduce apply to [email protected]
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