RealTime Arts - Media Art Archive

a new life for william barak

image: Brook Andrew, born Australia 1970, Marks and Witness: A Lined Crossing in Tribute to William Barak, 2011 Melbourne, Victoria vinyl wall drawing, neon Felton Bequest 2011
image courtesy of the artist and NGV Australia

Experimenta into the 21st century

image: Brook Andrew, level one - Reality Check, level two - Tom (video), digital print, video and sound (CD) installation, 1999

a new life for william barak

image: Vernon Ah Kee, Ideas of Barak 2011 Brisbane, Queensland charcoal on canvas, video installation, Felton Bequest 2011

Banner: (detail) Daniel Crooks, On perspective and motion (part 2), 2006, courtesy the artist and Anna Schwartz Gallery. See article