RealTime Arts - Media Art Archive

casting light on darkness

image: Ivana Franke, Seeing with Eyes Closed, (2013); Beam In Thine Own Eye - Dark Mofo 2013 - Museum of Old and New Art
courtesy the artist

casting light on darkness

image: Ryoji Ikeda, Spectra (Buenos Aires), site-specific installation, 2012
© Ryoji Ikeda / Dark Mofo 2013 - Museum of Old and New Art (MONA), Hobart Tasmania

casting light on darkness

image: Kurt Hentschlager, Zee, Beam In Thine Own Eye - Dark Mofo 2013 - Museum of Old and New Art
courtesy the artist

Banner: (detail) Daniel Crooks, On perspective and motion (part 2), 2006, courtesy the artist and Anna Schwartz Gallery. See article